Schedule a virtual nanny to keep your kids occupied while you work or join our team of educators. Service options are available to people of all races, AND we especially love working for black elite families.
Tier 1: FREE
Access to SCF Chapters
Weekly podcasts keep you on the up and up about new trends in finance and ways to improve your financial outlook.
Tier 2: Personalized Information
Get everything from Tier 2 + personalized information and access to a live person for coaching
Educational Alexa’s Virtual Nanny Service
Service categories that our "Kid Watchers" provide are as follows:
Friendliness Category
Chiefs of Chatting (A virtual friend for your child to chat with)
Science Category
Alchemy Masters (general science experiments)
Chiefs of Biscuit Dunking (science of cooking)
Brogrammers (science with technology)
Art Category
Crayon Evangelists
Math Category
Number Ninjas
English Category
Punctuation Prodigies
Schedule a virtual nanny to keep your kids occupied while you work.
Tier 1: Hourly Package
Available 7 days a week Price:
$27 + Supplies
Option: One educational category
Tier 2: Monthly Package
Price for one hour per day:
$810 + Supplies
Option: Mix and match category options; one category per day
Tier 3: Yearly Package
$10000 + Supplies
Option: Mix and match category options; one category per day
Practical advice for college students who want to learn about the money game and survival tips that their mother and high school never told them.
A: Hourly Package
Available 7 days a week Price:
Option: One category
B: Monthly Package
Price for one hour per day:
Option: Mix and match category options; one category per day
C: Yearly Package
Option: Mix and match category options; one category per day